Advisory Board on Healthy Ageing
The Advisory Board on Healthy Ageing advises the scientists at the CHA on questions concerning the relevance of research for an ageing population and patients in old age. In particular, it gives advice, e.g. on the research fields of the centre, the study designs and their suitability for the elderly as well as the relevance of the defined outcomes in clinical studies. The Advisory Board also helps to bring the CHA into contact with other organisations, networks and groups of elderly people and their representatives.
The members of the Advisory Board on Healthy Ageing are:
- Susanne Herbel-Hilgert, Stellvertretende Geschäftsführerin, Landeszentrale für Gesundheitsförderung in Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. (LZG) (Deputy Executive Director at LZG) - founding member
- Prof. Dr Falk Fahrenholz, Universitätsprofessor em., Institut für Pharmazie und Biochemie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (Professor em., Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz) - founding member
- Sanitätsrat Dr Günter Gerhardt, Vorsitzender des Vorstands der Landesseniorenvertretung Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., niedergelassener Facharzt für Innere und Allgemeinmedizin/Psychotherapie (Head of Vorstand der Landesseniorenvertretung Rhineland-Palatinate e.V., Resident Doctor for general and internal medicine/psychotherapy) - founding member
- Barbara Kahler, Kooptiertes Mitglied im Vorstand der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen (BAGSO) (Co-opted member of the executive Board at BAGSO) - member since 2023