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Videos about ageing

Here you can watch interviews with our group leaders as they talk about their latest breakthroughs, explainer videos about our research at the CHA and much more!

Why do we age?

Everyone ages - but why is that so? 

In this video we explain what happens in our bodies as we age. 

At the Centre for Healthy Ageing (CHA) in Mainz we study those processes to understand the basic mechanisms of ageing and to promote healthy ageing. 

How is it possible to age healthily?

The Centre for Healthy Ageing (CHA) with the support of the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) Mainz commissioned the bestselling author Nina Ruge to speak with scientists about their latest findings on healthy ageing and longevity at the Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting (ARDD) in Copenhagen, Denmark (28 Aug - 1 Sept 2023). 

The role of R-loops in ageing

The CHA-affiliated Research Training Group 4R studies R-loops, which are RNA:DNA structures with important roles in gene regulation and genome stability. In this video, they explain how studying R-loops could help in the development of therapies to delay ageing and treat diseases such as cancer.

Protein clumps in the brain and the development of dementia

Spiegel-bestselling author Nina Ruge talks to Prof. Dorothee Dormann, a group leader at the CHA, about her research on the molecular basis of the neurodegenerative diseases amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), as well as new starting points for therapies and the importance of her work for understanding Alzheimer's disease.

Balancing act at the chromosome - telomeres and healthy ageing

Spiegel-bestselling author Nina Ruge talks to Prof. Peter Baumann, a Scientific Director of the CHA, about his research on the regulation of the enzyme telomerase, the impact of stress on telomere integrity and how his work at the Centre for Healthy Ageing creates opportunities for novel therapies.

The molecular causes of neurodegenerative disease

An interview with Prof. Dorothee Dormann, a group leader at the CHA, by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung Journal. Dorothee discusses her research on the causes of neurodegenerative diseases such as motor neuron disease and dementia.

Ageing research in Mainz

Interested to know what we do at the Centre for Healthy Ageing? This introduction from the public discussion event with Nina Ruge gives an overview of what scientists at the CHA are doing to unravel the secrets of healthy ageing.