Science of Healthy Ageing Research Programme (SHARP)

The goal of SHARP is to strengthen cooperation between basic research groups at IMB and preclinical and clinical research groups at UMC in the field of ageing and longevity research.
This programme brings together experts in stem cell biology, epidemiology, immunology, cardiology, neurobiology and cancer with experts in epigenetics, proteomics, telomere biology, RNA biology, DNA repair and autophagy to pursue ageing projects from bench to bedside.
By combining the complementary skills of basic and clinical/translational researchers, SHARP will gain new insights into the underlying causes of ageing and make discoveries that can be translated into new treatments to successfully prevent them. SHARP is funded by Rhineland-Palatinate’s Ministry of Science, Education and Culture from 2021-2024.
For more information, please see the SHARP research projects.
Participating Institutions: